
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sofie covers the pole

When Mark introduces the task in the studio, most of the contestants respond with exasperation, but Sofie says that she doesn’t remember it at all, as her daughter was teething, and she was functioning on very little sleep. However, by the time everyone else’s attempts have been shown, she has remembered, and is very excited about her solution to the problem.

Sofie reads the task brief, and immediately reasons that if the pole only touches something once, she will only incur a single penalty. She therefore decides to wrap the entire pole in a large cloth and a curtain, to create a barrier between it and anything else it could bump into, for the rest of the course.

Secure in her logic, Sofie then moves her long, wrapped pole through the course relatively quickly, not worrying about any touches along the way.

For some reason, she actually follows the pole through the canvas tunnel.

She uncovers the base of the pole to put it back into the stand, and cheers loudly after completing the task.

In the studio, Lasse teases that Mark may have some additional footage which will disqualify Sofie, as had just happened with Christian and Victor. However, after letting her fret on this for a moment, Mark confirms that Sofie’s attempt was entirely valid.

Sofie only incurred three penalties during her attempt but, due to having started with a shorter pole than the other contestants, this meant she ended up with a finishing length of 4.04 metres, and earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores