
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kristoffer frets over perfection

After admitting that he doesn’t know how to crack a nut, Kristoffer places a nut under one of the lab table legs and slams it down. The leg misses the nut, but Olli informs him that the attempt still counted, so Kristoffer may not use the table as a nut-cracking tool again.

A montage of the many objects Kristoffer then tries is then shown, which include his own fist, the bottom of a glass bowl, a Santa Claus figurine, a mallet, and a corkscrew. None of these items even manage to crack the nut, let alone provide a perfect kernel.

Kristoffer then successfully uses what appears to be a bottle opener to crack open a nut, and holds up what appears to be un undamaged kernel. However, when Olli ask if Kristoffer believes the kernel to be perfect, Kristoffer questions what ‘perfect’ even means, before throwing his kernel away and leaving the lab.

He soon returns to the lab with a cooking pot, some lighter fluid, and a fire extinguisher. After lighting a fire in the pot, Kristoffer roasts a chestnut inside, then cracks it open with a rolling pin, scattering bits of it everywhere. Kristoffer is convinced that the roasted chestnut’s kernel will be perfect, though, just as soon as he can find it. He is either unable to locate the kernel amongst the mess he has made in the lab, or the kernel was not perfect, as he is next shown wrapping a new chestnut in plastic wrap, and hitting it with a hammer.

After opening this chestnut, Kristoffer declares the kernel to be perfect, and places it on the pillow. However, when Olli asks if he should stop the time, Kristoffer gets into his own head over what constitutes a ‘perfect’ nut, and so says that he will keep going.

Kristoffer then starts cracking nuts with books that he brings into the lab one at a time, reading the titles out to Olli as he does so. After one such trip, Olli informs Kristoffer that the clock has stopped, as Kristoffer had held onto a few of the chestnuts during one of his trips, thereby removing them from the lab, and breaking the rules.

In the studio, Atle expresses his surprise at Kristoffer, as he is usually so calm and collected during tasks. He also tells Kristoffer that the kernel he had originally placed on the pillow would have been perfectly acceptable.

After 31 minutes, Kristoffer is disqualified from the task.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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