
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Zoe forgets the cat feeder

Zoe begins chewing the bubble gum, as she explores how to set off the cuckoo clock.

She removes one piece of bread from the toaster and sets that going, to find out how long it takes, and then tests the popping monster, which soon pops up and lands inside the toaster slot.

Zoe then tests the jack-in-the-box, before checking with Alex how much time she has left (six minutes) and setting the cat feeder to open in six hours (mistakenly believing the numbers on the dial to represent minutes).

She then explores her options for multi-tasking, holding the party popper in front of her mouth, with the string between her teeth, while holding the bubble wand in the other hand, and contemplating how to also depress the balloon button.

She eventually spots that the dial on the cat feeder has not moved from where she set it, and realises what the numbers actually represent.

With about one minute remaining on the clock, she flicks the switch which starts the inflation of the balloon, and it bursts much more quickly than she was anticipating.

Zoe waves the bubble wand, creating a string of balloons which quickly pop, just before the toaster pops up. She then sets off the party popper, before releasing the clasp on the jack-in-the-box, and (badly) blows and pops a bubble gum bubble.

As she leaves the dome (having forgotten about the cat feeder, which has not yet popped), she takes the toast with her, stating that it’s all she has.

In the studio, Greg points out that when Zoe’s attempt started, it looked like “a woman falling down some stairs”, and Alex confirms that the cat feeder didn’t pop open due to its timer until 24 minutes after her first pop. Zoe therefore earns last place in the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores