
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sam’s femme fatale sacrifice

After reading the task brief, Sam wonders out loud if he should do something crazy like marrying his doughnut (seemingly unaware that Noel Fielding had already beaten him to the act of marrying an inanimate object for Taskmaster).

Sam then starts a crafts project for his doughnut, after asking Alex his opinion on the “most shocking and saucy” of two different colours of construction paper (Alex opts for red).

After cutting a tiny red bikini out of the red construction paper, Sam pins it to his doughnut with toothpicks (strategically placed to also give his doughnut arms and legs), as well as adding a toothpick neck and a head made out of the wax seal from the task brief.

Sam then has his bikini-clad doughnut placed on the roof of the Taskmaster house (“close to the heavens”), and says that he has finished his attempt, although he cackles to himself as he heads back inside.

A nearby crow is then seen settling on the roof and approaching Sam’s doughnut. While the crow does not peck the doughnut to pieces (which seems to have been Sam’s plan), it does knock the doughnut off of the roof, sending it crashing down to the ground, as it takes flight.

In the studio, Greg expresses confusion about Sam’s attempt. Sam explains that he had created a “femme fatale” doughnut, which was subsequently feasted upon (even though it wasn’t) by a bird.

When Greg says that Sam cannot take credit for a bird just so happening to be nearby and approaching the doughnut, Alex backs Sam up, insisting that a bird eating the doughnut was always part of Sam’s plan.

After briefly considering awarding him fourth place, Greg awards Sam third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores