
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lucy feeds the doughnut to Alex

While reading the task brief, Lucy briefly wonders out loud about the ‘family-friendly’ limitation, before realising that everyone would “obviously want to put it on a penis” (in the studio, Greg affirms that Lucy was speaking for the nation on this).

In order to make sure that she sticks to the ‘family-friendly’ stipulation of the brief, Lucy considers what her daughter might find shocking, and decides that it would be “anything to do with faeces”. She then considers whether she could fit a poo through the doughnut hole.

The footage of Lucy’s actual attempt begins with Alex sitting nervously on the steps of the hutch. A loud squawk is heard, and then Lucy – dressed in the blackbird costume previously seen in the ‘Count all the dots’ task, in the New Year’s Treat special of 2023 – flaps towards him, asking if he’s hungry.

When Alex affirms that he is hungry, Blackbird Lucy flaps away to a stretch of the fence near to the stage, tucks a napkin under her chin, and eats the entire doughnut without using her hands. Blackbird Lucy then flaps back to Alex, loudly regurgitates the doughnut, and then starts to feed it to him by hand, eventually pushing the entire masticated pile of dough into his mouth before flapping away.

In the studio, Greg says that as soon as he saw Lucy’s costume, he knew exactly what was going to happen, as Alex is well-known as being willing to eat anything. Greg then shares the story of how, at a wedding, he had once told Alex to eat an entire pat of butter, and Alex had complied. Alex counters that he is not the one of the two who has recently eaten a beaver’s anal glands (referencing Susan’s prize task submission).

When Greg says that he'd found the footage of Lucy’s attempt “genuinely, absolutely disgusting”, Lucy counters that it’s simply nature, and that Richard Attenborough (an actor whom Lucy is confusing with his brother, the naturalist David Attenborough) would not find it disgusting.

Greg ultimately awards Lucy first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores