
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Count all the dots

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The task brief is laid on the table in the living room. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Count all the dots on this card.

You may not touch or mark the card.

You must give an answer in 10 minutes, and must answer the door, and obey the instructions, every time the doorbell rings.

Most accurate final answer wins.

Your time starts now.

Wear these goggles until the doorbell rings.

Stand behind the barrier until the next doorbell rings.

Shout until the doorbell next rings.

Wear boxing gloves and an eye patch, and count like a pirate.

Feed the blackbird all of the seeds.

Put on a swimming hat and swimming goggles and giggle until the end of the task.

Task notes

  • The task begins in the living room, where there is a piece of thick card with dots printed on both sides of it on the table (black dots on a white background on one side, and white dots on black on the other).
  • In the studio, Alex clarifies that the contestants were meant to be counting the dots on both sides of the card.
  • Each time the contestants leave the room to answer the doorbell, Alex flips the card over to the other side, and other changes are made in the room relating to the additional instructions they have received.
  • After the doorbell rings for the first time, they must wear a pair of goggles with kaleidoscopic lenses until it rings again.
  • After the second doorbell, they must remain behind a tape barrier that's been erected just inside the living room door, but are provided with a small set of binoculars to help them see the card.
  • After the third doorbell, there is a cacophony of noise in the living room as music plays loudly, a phone rings, and the contestants have to shout anything they say. At this point, if they answer the phone, a voice will tell them the total number of dots on both sides of the card (1,742).
  • After the fourth doorbell, they have to wear boxing gloves and an eyepatch, and count like a pirate.
  • After the fifth doorbell, there is a man in the living room wearing a blackbird costume, to whom they must feed the seeds provided to them on a plate.
  • After the sixth doorbell, they must wear a swimming hat and goggles, and giggle until the end of the task.

Official task video

Task stats
