Episode 9: Can’t go wrong with a fox
Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must make a watermelon end up as far away from David as possible, turn on a disco light, perform a dressage show, de-pineapple a pizza, solve a series of fruit- and vegetable-based mini-tasks, make a set of scales read exactly a given weight, and play a game of human war boats with satsumas.
Title context
David Sundin answers “Can’t go wrong with a fox” after Mauri Hermundsson asks him what his own favourite animal is, during their chat before the ‘Make the scales read exactly a given weight’ task.
Taskmaster Intro
You're watching a new episode of Bäst i Test, the show with the highest hurled-melon-per-second ratio. We do what we do for one very good reason: within one week, we'll be able to decide who is, after all is said and done, the 'best in test'. And this season is incredibly even. Competing are...
Contestant Intros
The not particularly shy wallflower: Charlotta Bjorck!
The verdant vine: Mauri Hermundsson!
The reddest rose: Behrouz Badreh!
Note: ‘Rosen’ (‘The rose’) is one of Behrouz’s nicknames, although his more commonly-used one is ‘Berra’.
The wonderful wormwood: Maria Lundqvist!
The carnivorous plant: Johan Petersson!
Assistant Intro
Ladies and gentlemen, David Sundin.
Note: Babben had tried to steamroll directly from talking to the contestants to starting the first task, but David made himself known, so Babben unenthusiastically introduces him this way.
Episode prize
The prize in this episode is all of the leftover pizzas from the ‘De-pineapple the pizzas’ task.
Taskmaster's Sign-off
What have we learned today? In lieu of batteries, use a cord. Good neighbours will handle your melon transportation. And with the right attitude, you can blow a pineapple off of a table.
Episode stats
Episode scores
There are some discrepancies between the official total scores for this episode and the points seen to be awarded during the episode. Both sets of scores, and the discrepancies between them, are displayed below.
Notes on discrepancies
- The scoreboard updates shown after the 'Middle of the show' task and at the end of the episode show Charlotta with one less point that she was actually awarded, and Maria with one more point that she was actually awarded. This did not affect anyone's final placing in the episode.
Ankan appears as a guest team member during the 'Perform a dressage show' task.
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: DangBream
- Swedish Credit: Johanna Svensson (Iyuno Group)