
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Predict how many cans you can fit in a bag

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Write down the number of cans you think you can fill your bag with in 100 seconds.

The highest correctly guessed number wins.

The bag must be completely closed when you fill it.

If the bag cannot be closed, you are disqualified.

When David blows his whistle, you have 10 seconds to write down your guess.

Task notes

  • The contestants are each stood behind a table on stage.
  • On the table are a stack of tin cans, and a bag with a zip.
  • They must first write down the number of cans they think they can fit in the bag on the boards provided.
  • They don't know it at the start of the task, but some of the cans have been stuck together, to make it more difficult to fit them into the bag.
  • At the end of the task, David opens each bag and counts the cans inside while dropping them into a wheelbarrow.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Marko estimates that he can fit 28 cans in his bag. He is the second to finish, and puts 26 cans in his bag. He comes joint third, with one point.
  • Nikki estimates that she can fit 35 cans in her bag. She is the first to finish, and puts 32 cans in her bag. She comes joint third, with one point.
  • Janne estimates that he can fit 35 cans in his bag. He is the last to finish, as Henrik talking about numbers to David throws off his count. Janne puts 36 cans in his bag, and comes joint third, with one point.
  • Henrik estimates that he can fit 35 cans in his bag. He is the third to finish, and puts exactly 35 cans in his bag. Henrik therefore wins the task.
  • Linnéa estimates that she can fit 30 cans in her bag. She is the fourth to finish, and put exactly 30 cans in her bag. Linnéa therefore comes second.

(Source credit: Jenny R)