Episode 10: Wee/wee

Episode synopsis
In this season finale, the contestants must bring in the most unreliable thing, name some gnomes while carrying cornflakes on their heads, create and commit the eighth deadly sin, flip a pancake onto a plate from as far away as possible, and end up with the most sand in their bottle. Also, an exciting three-way tie is decided by the contestants guessing the size of Tom Cashman’s A-tier business card collection.
Title context
Aaron Chen suggests that Peter Helliar’s bladder’s pronouns should be “Wee/wee”, during studio discussion of Pete’s prize submission for the ‘The most unreliable thing’ task.
Taskmaster Intro
Hello, and welcome to the grand finale of Taskmaster Australia season three. It’s an epic climax. It’s the last hurrah. The final countdown of the show where I, Tom Gleeson, give out the only award that matters in Australia – the prize that, for the winner, will unlock fame and adoration, and, for me, also unlocks my iPhone. It’s the golden Taskmaster trophy. Laid out in front of me in a buffet of shame and anticipation are five of the bravest comedians you’re ever likely to meet.
Assistant Intro
And by my side, as always, a man so proud he stopped going to his local Oporto when they started greeting him by name. It’s Tom Cashman.
Note: Oporto is an Australian fast food restaurant franchise, specialising in Portuguese-style chicken and burgers.
Taskmaster's Sign-off
…that’s all well and good, but there’s no point in doing anything if we don’t learn from our past. So what have we learnt from our season finale? We’ve learnt that Aaron Chen is just an Aussie dad who loves to punch darts and support much-maligned foreign wars. And we’ve learnt that, unlike Eminem, if you give Peter Helliar one shot, he’ll screw it up. And most importantly, we learnt that the winner of episode ten is Mel Buttle.
Episode stats

Episode scores
Winner notes
Mel wins the episode after guessing the closest answer during the three-way tie-breaker.
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: Red Bee Media