
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Prevent David from scoring a goal

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found taped to the crossbar of a set of football goalposts in the garden of the Bäst i Test house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Stop David from scoring.

Do not move the ball, the goal, or penalty point.

You must be at least 10 metres from the ball when David tries to score.

Whomever hinders David the longest is the winner.

David shoots his first penalty in five minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Linnéa searches the shed, and returns with gaffer tape, a large cloth, and what appears to be a white lace curtain. When David asks why Linnéa brought a wedding dress (the curtain), Linnéa replies that “when you least expect it, love arrives”. Linnéa starts taping the cloth to the goalposts, but is slow in getting it done. She drapes the curtain over the centre of the goal, joking that at least David will have something nice to look at. She plays goalie while David shoots, keeping David from scoring for 24 seconds, and earning fourth place.
  • Henrik runs to the shed and returns with David’s umpire’s chair, which he places in front of the goal. He then goes back to the shed and returns with a series of large objects seemingly chosen at random, as well as several other footballs, which he scatters around the goal to disrupt David’s shot (“or give me more chances”, David replies). Henrik blocks the goal with his random objects, which include umbrellas, a blanket, a large teddy bear, a suitcase, and a sled. Henrik plays goalie while David shoots, and he kicks the ball as far away as possible from David whenever he blocks a shot. Henrik keeps David from scoring for 48 seconds, and earns third place.
  • Marko searches the shed for items, then asks if he is allowed to be a goalie. When he realises he is allowed, Marko confidently declares that David can’t score against him, and he returns to the goal with only goalkeeper’s gloves and a megaphone (purely for taunting David before the time starts), saying that “sometimes you shouldn’t make things complicated”. Marko taunts David every time he misses a shot. This cockiness eventually backfires when Marko fails to block a relatively easy shot, allowing David to score. Marko keeps David from scoring for 6 minutes 32 seconds, and earns second place.
  • Nikki runs to the shed, and returns with a wheelbarrow full of items to block the goal. Nikki uses a mini trampoline, a toboggan, a chair, a carpet, and the wheelbarrow to block the goal. She also grabs a large tyre from a nearby storage area. Nikki plays goalie - armed with the mini trampoline as a shield - while David shoots. David does not seem to be on form during Nikki’s attempt at the task, as many of his shots go very wide. As she gets more comfortable in goal, Nikki starts taunting David, pointing out where he should be aiming his shots, and offering ‘helpful’ advice on how to correct his aim. At one point, she even calls David “Daniel”, but it’s unclear if this was another taunt, or just a mistake. Nikki keeps David from scoring for 11 minutes 40 seconds, and wins the task.
  • Janne asks if he can feel the ball, then picks it up and squeezes it, before placing it back on the penalty spot. He pulls a long cart full of tyres from the nearby storage area, and places it in front of the goal, blocking the open area underneath the cart with the tyres it held. He also fetches a tarp from the storage area, and drapes it over the goal to block the gap above the cart. Janne climbs into the cart, intending to play goalie while David shoots. However, David scores on his first shot, successfully shooting the ball into the one undefended corner of the goal. This is a particularly unfortunate defeat for a man who spent 14 years as a professional football player. In the studio, Janne insists that he did see the hole, but forgot to place a tyre in front of it. David declares that he has never been as happy as he was in that moment, and hopes that Janne can find some joy in that fact. Janne earns last place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)