Episode 1: Maintain poker face

Air date:
Original title:
Pidä pokka
Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must bring in the most interesting metre-high thing, hold water in their mouths for as long as possible, deliver a cup of tea to Pilvi’s pal, throw a feather as far as possible, and complete some actions while estimating time.
Title context
The task title is not a direct quote, but a reference to Taisto telling himself to maintain his composure, during his attempt at the ‘Hold water in your mouth for as long as possible’ task.
Taskmaster Intro
Very good evening. Welcome aboard! This programme is Juniori Suurmestari. In this programme, the children will show everyone how to complete the brilliant tasks I have created. I will give a model example of how they should be scored. I am Jaakko Saariluoma, and this is Juniori Suurmestari.
Episode stats

Points Awarded

The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- Finnish Credit: Unknown