
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone tries to not say the Taskmaster's favourite thing

In the first round, the contestants have to name vegetables. Starting with Dara, the list begins with ‘carrot’, then ‘beetroot’, ‘aubergine’, ‘beans’, ‘parsnip’, ‘potato’, ‘kale’, ‘cauliflower’, ‘sprouts’, and ‘petit pois’. Dara then says ‘broccoli’ and Kiell struggles to think of another vegetable, and instead just repeats ‘broccoli’. Kiell is therefore eliminated first, and earns just 1 point, before it’s revealed that Greg’s favourite vegetable is spinach.

In the second round, the contestants must name animals bigger than “quite a small chair”. The list begins with ‘kangaroo’, then ‘giraffe’, ‘elk’, ‘bison’, and ‘deer’. Morgana then says ‘rhino’, which in turn makes Greg sound his gong, as apparently the rhino is in fact his favourite animal. Morgana is therefore eliminated second, and earns 2 points.

In the third round, the category is ‘parts of the body’. Dara begins with ‘knee’, which is followed by ‘foot’, ‘ankle’, ‘ear’, ‘hand’, ‘philtrum’, ‘cranium’, ‘nose’, and ‘cheekbone’. Dara then says ‘ankle’ again, not realising that Sophie had already named that body part. Dara is therefore eliminated third, and earns 3 points, and it is revealed that Greg’s favourite body part is the perineum.

In the fourth and final round, the category is ‘names beginning with the letter G’. Sarah starts with ‘Georgina’, and is immediately eliminated, as this is apparently Greg’s favourite name beginning with ‘G’. She earns 4 points.

As the last one standing, Sophie wins the task and earns 5 points.

(Written by M3 / Andres Sanchez and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)