
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mona denies the existence of badminton

Mona looks over the available items, and briefly considers using the racket, but then dismisses it, as she “doesn’t believe in badminton”. When Antoine presses her on this belief, Mona jokes that badminton and airplanes are the same in her mind: she will only believe they exist when she sees them.

Mona hands the hose to Antoine and runs out of the room to unravel it, telling Antoine to let her know if he can feel the air when she blows into it. Antoine confirms that not only can he feel the air, but that he can also smell it – referencing Mona’s smoker’s breath.

Mona then investigates the vacuum cleaner, wondering if it has a ‘blow’ function; Antoine says that he cannot possibly answer this, as he does not believe in vacuum cleaners.

After moving the candle to the ground, and attaching one end of the hose to an overturned bucket, Mona extends the hose’s length with a long pipe, and then runs out of the room to switch on the vacuum cleaner. Unfortunately, the vacuum does not provide enough air to blow out the candle, and Mona worries that she has broken it. However, in her final 10 seconds, she notices that the hose and pipe have become detached. She quickly runs to holds the two together, and the candle’s flame is extinguished.

Mona extinguishes the candle from 15 metres away, and earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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