
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Maria lacks confidence in her woodworking skills

Maria searches the shed, and emerges with a funnel, a roll of duct tape, some pipes, and a wooden disc.

She places the disc against the mobility scooter, and quickly realises that it’s too big and will therefore not function as a wheel, as it is.

She takes the wooden disc to the workbench set up near the shed, presumably with the intent of cutting it down to size, but quickly loses confidence in her woodworking skills. Realising that her time is running out, she simply drills a hole in the middle of the disc without measuring anything or reducing its size. She then returns to the mobility scooter to find that her initial judgement had been correct: the wooden disc will definitely not function as a wheel (and the hole she’d drilled in it is too small for the axle to pass through, anyway).

With two minutes left, Maria finally abandons the wooden disc, and starts instead duct-taping layers of bubble wrap around the mobility scooter’s axle, creating some semblance of a wheel upon it. While she does so, she mutters that she knows everyone watching at home will be criticising her actions and insisting they all know better methods to solve the task.

In her final minute, Maria finally mounts the scooter and attempts to drive it. However, as her bubble wrap wheel is nowhere near as big as it needs to be to make contact with the ground, the scooter stays put.

After the disappointed Maria shakes David’s hand and leaves the scene, David uses the mobility scooter’s horn to play the Shave and a Haircut… Two Bits riff (although, in Sweden, the lyrics to this ditty, “Kvart över elva… halv tolv” mean ‘A quarter past eleven… half past eleven’).

In the studio, Maria stands and bows to the audience’s applause, and says that she will advise her woodworking father not to watch the episode.

Babben awards her a single participation point.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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