
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Johan drinks medical alcohol

As Johan sits to read the task brief, he muses that he’s seen the room’s setup in “some cartoon” (referencing Lady and the Tramp).

When Merja reminds him that he had already introduced himself as soon as he had entered the room (meaning that his time had been running for a while), Johan demands to know whether she is on his side or David’s side. Merja replies that she’s “just Merja”.

After asking about children and whether she likes sports (“I’m very fast”, Merja replies), Johan asks if Merja has ever worn sockiplasts (non-slip socks, also meant for use in gymnasiums and pools to protect from verrucas), and the two shake on this commonality.

Anders then starts down the path of wondering if they had ever dated someone with the same name, but stops when he realises that Merja has only dated men.

Continuing with trying to find names in common, Johan then shares that his grandmother is named Anna. It turns out that Merja’s grandmother was also named Anna, so the two shake hands.

They also discover that they both cook salmon the same way: in the oven, treated with salt to dry it out.

When Johan asks Merja if she has ever drunk medical alcohol, she says she has not, and Johan looks somewhat embarrassed to have admitted to doing so himself, on national television.

Just as David arrives to inform Johan that his time is up, Johan asks Merja what kind of astigmatism she has that requires glasses. David shuts down Johan’s question with a firm “No”.

In the studio, Maria points out that Johan had often broken eye contact with Merja. David brings out the task brief to read it, “so no-one makes any mistakes” (a set-up hinting at Maria’s own failures, which she does not pick up on).

Babben believes that Johan and Merja’s most remarkable commonality is that their grandmothers both have the same name, and so she awards him second place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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