
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Behrouz and Maria guess, while Ankan mimes

Marie is nominated to write the list of animals which the other team must communicate, and chooses: ‘struts’ (ostrich), ‘antilop’ (antelope), ‘gnu’ (gnu), ‘elefant’ (elephant), ‘mås’ (seagull), ‘säl’ (seal), ‘gos’ (goose), ‘hund’ (dog), ‘katt’ (cat), and ‘llama’.

Ankan is chosen to mime the other team’s list of animals, which he works through in the order they are written.

Ankan first walks on his hands and feet and groans ‘J’. Maria and Behrouz have misunderstood the task, and believe that they are guessing the names of animals where the initial letter comes before whatever letter Ankan says, so start guessing animals that begin with the letter ‘I’, like ‘igelkott’ (hedgehog) and ‘isterband’ (pork sausage). Finally, Maria correctly guesses ‘ko’ (cow), presumably based solely on Ankan miming the actions of milking himself and then drinking it.

Ankan then licks his hand, while mewling ‘J’. Maria once again guesses ‘igelkott’ (hedgehog), before correctly guessing ‘katt’ (cat).

While Ankan heads to the board to look at the third animal he must mime, Maria and Behrouz finally figure out that Ankan is saying the letter before the initial letter of the name of the animal they’re meant to be guessing, and not the letter after. Ankan then gets on his hands and knees on the ground, and makes himself as small as he can. Maria incorrectly guesses ‘mask’ (worm), before Behrouz correctly guesses ‘mus’ (mouse).

Ankan then drops to his belly and starts slithering around on the stage. Before he can say a letter, Behrouz incorrectly guesses ‘säl’ (seal). Ankan then says ‘N’, and both Maria and Behrouz correctly guess ‘orm’ (snake).

As Ankan prepares his next mime, Behrouz madly shouts out guesses at random, including ‘säl’ (seal) and ‘hest’ (horse). The whistle blows before he can get started on his mime for ‘får’ (sheep).

Behrouz, Maria and Ankan manage to correctly convey and guess four out of 10 animals, and so earn joint first place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)