
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Charlotta mimes, while Johan, and Mauri guess

Mauri is nominated to write the list of animals which the other team must communicate, and chooses: ‘ko’ (cow), ‘katt’ (cat), ‘mus’ (mouse), ‘orm’ (snake), ‘får’ (sheep), ‘islandshäst’ (Icelandic horse), ‘vandrande pinne’ (stick insect), ‘hund’ (dog), ‘get’ (goat), and ‘spindel’ (spider).

Charlotta is chosen to mime the other team’s list of animals, which she works through in the order they are written.

She first struts in place while rolling an ‘R’, throwing in a large wing flap with her arms, for good measure. After initially guessing ‘swan’, Mauri correctly guesses ‘struds’ (ostrich).

Charlotta then bends over and starts hopping, while groaning ‘Ö’. She eventually adds some horns to her mime. After some confusion as to whether Charlotta is saying ‘U’ or ‘Ö’, as the two letters sound very similar, Mauri and Johan first incorrectly guess ‘älg’ (moose), before correctly guessing ‘antilop’ (antelope).

Charlotta then slowly lumbers across the stage while saying ‘F’, and uses her fingers to create horns on her forehead. After Mauri incorrectly names the animal as a ‘gemu’, he quickly corrects himself and identifies Charlotta as a ‘gnu’.

Charlotta then holds her arm up to her face. Before she can even utter a letter, Mauri correctly guesses (very loudly) that she is an ‘elefant’ (elephant).

In the final few seconds, Charlotta flaps her arms and screeches ‘L’. The team’s time runs out before Mauri or Johan can guess that she is miming a ‘mås’ (seagull).

Charlotta, Johan, and Mauri correctly convey and guess four out of the 10 animals, and so earn joint first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)