
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Maria sabotages Behrouz and Ankan with slapstick

After reading the initial task brief, the team appear confused as to what exactly they are being asked to do. Eventually, Maria seems to understand, and so she directs Behrouz and Ankan on their hand placement. She effectively sets up her team in a chorus line formation, with Ankan and herself both keeping a hand on one of Behrouz’s hips, and one of Behrouz’s hands placed on one of Maria’s hips.

After reading the second task brief, Behrouz immediately suggests that the team make their way to the garden hose. However, Maria allows herself to get distracted by some of the other water sources, pointing out the nearby bathtub, as well as some watering cans. As Ankan and Behrouz start to walk towards the bathtub, Maria steps towards the watering cans, allowing her hand to come off of Behrouz’s hip. She quickly replace it, though, and then once again suggests the watering cans as the team’s first port of call.

After retrieving the watering cans, and finding them to be empty, the group makes its way towards the hose. However, in turns out that the handle has been removed from the tap on the side of the house, rendering the hose useless. Inexplicably, both Ankan and Behrouz seem to reason that the hose being out of commission means that the watering cans will no longer be useful, and so they leave them behind.

Maria then notices a nearby barrel which has several glasses of liquid set up on top of it. Ankan tests the liquid and identifies that the glasses contain juice, and not water. Maria reminds him that the task brief had mentioned only “liquid”, and not specifically water, so Ankan and Behrouz carry the glasses.

On a bench next to the barrel, there is a small watering can filled with water. Maria picks this up clumsily, pretending to lose her balance, and causing much of the water to spill from inside it.

The team then make their way to the toilet, to empty their containers. Maria, of course, is not particularly careful with her pour, and also closes the lid as they leave (presumably so they will wate more time opening it again later).

Ankan then suggests that the issue with the tap can be repaired, which would make the hose useful. As the team makes its way to the shed, Maria pretends to trip and fall, once again causing hands to be removed from hips. As Ankan searches the shed, Maria pretends that her shirt has been caught on the vice on the work table, thus keeping Ankan from venturing deeper into the shed in search of tools. After several seconds of wasted time, she relents.

The team return to the tap on the side of the house with a much longer hose and some tools. Surprisingly, the generally-inept Ankan actually manages to use a wrench to turn the tap on but then, true to his nature, immediately falls over while trying to stand up, after doing so.

Maria attempts to sabotage the hose by tangling it up as much as possible while Ankan works on the tap. When Ankan and Behrouz start untangling the hose to connect it to the tap, Maria helps them, but also tries to gnaw a hole in the hose. Ankan soon identifies that there’s very little water making it through the hose (thanks to Maria standing on the hosepipe). He therefore disconnects the hose from the tap, and then he and Behrouz fill their previously abandoned watering cans with water from the tap. Maria tries to walk away before Ankan’s can has been filled, but Ankan stands his ground, taking advantage of his long limbs to get more water into his can.

In their final 30 seconds, Ankan and Behrouz finally finish filling their cans, and start to rush towards the toilet. To slow them down, Maria intentionally wraps one of her feet up in the long hose, and then tumbles to the ground while running. Not only does this force Ankan and Behrouz to stop, but it also causes some of the water to slosh out of both of their watering cans.

Thanks to Maria having closed the toilet lid earlier, Ankan unintentionally sabotages his own team, as he kicks the toilet lid open with enough force that it immediately snaps back down. However, both he and Behrouz start pouring their cans into the toilet before they realise what has happened, so the majority of their water ends up spilling onto the ground. Maria then quickly catches the lid, ostensibly to lift it back up, but she actually just keeps it held down.

When the final results of both teams are compared, Behrouz, Maria, and Ankan are the obvious losers of the task. Maria, having successfully sabotaged her team, earns 3 points, while Behrouz receives nothing.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)