
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone shoots balloons towards Babben

After the task brief is read, Behrouz raises his hand to jokingly ask why his balloons aren’t as big as Mauri’s. David replies that it’s a genetic thing that has to do with body proportions (except, of course, in David’s case), and notes that it’s likely not the first time Behrouz has asked that kind of question.

In the first round, Maria’s balloon flies directly towards Babben, hitting the edge of her chair’s platform, and stopping directly at Babben’s feet. Behrouz’s balloon barely clears the raised area of the stage, with half of it dangling off of the edge. Johan – who releases his balloon from above his head – sends his balloon directly at Babben, where it deflates and lands on her platform, next to her chair. Mauri – who releases his balloon from face-level – misfires, and his balloon remains on the raised area of the stage. Charlotta’s balloon lands on the ground next to Babben’s platform. Mauri is eliminated for being the furthest away from Babben.

In the second round, Charlotta misfires her balloon, and it lands just past the edge of the raised area of the stage. Johan’s balloon flies clear past Babben, and actually gets stuck in some of the stage scenery. Behrouz once again misfires his balloon, although this time it clears the raised area of the stage, landing just past Charlotta’s. Maria’s second balloon misfires, and lands just off the edge of the raised part of the stage, ahead of Behrouz and Charlotta’s balloons. Johan is eliminated for being the furthest away from Babben.

In the third round, Behrouz manages to make some progress with his balloon; this time, it lands midway between the stage and Babben. Maria’s balloon lands midway between Babben’s platform and her desk. Charlotta’s balloon lands between Maria’s balloon and Babben. Behrouz is eliminated for being the furthest away from Babben.

In the final round, Charlotta’s balloon lands on the ground and snakes around for a bit, inching closer to Babben, before finally coming to a rest close to her platform. Maria’s balloon also lands close to Babben’s platform, on the opposite side. The two balloons are both close enough that it is not immediately obvious who has won. After David measures their distances, it is determined that Maria’s balloon is closer to Babben by a single centimetre. Charlotta is eliminated for being the furthest away from Babben, and Maria wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)