
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jonas still cannot multitask

Jonas does not seem to be able to choose an exciting word, so Mark instead asks Jonas what word he finds particularly unpleasant. Jonas immediately replies with “bumblebee”.

In the studio, Lasse says that he thought just figuring out the order of the objects would be too easy for five champions, so the element of multitasking with the metronome had been added. Jonas calls this addition “boring” and “unfair”, as it had been established during his season that he “can’t do that shit”, specifically referring to his attempt at the ‘Write a 10 word story while running’ task, during which he screamed that he “cannot multitask!” (an exclamation which made it into the opening credits of his season). Jonas claims that asking him to multitask is the equivalent of “getting a flamingo to fill out your tax return”. Mark actually has Jonas’ exclamation about multitasking already cued up on his tablet, and plays it before introducing Jonas’ attempt.

Jonas starts off attempting to multitask, but quickly abandons repeating his chosen word, instead accepting the time penalties and hoping that he will be able to solve the task quickly.

Jonas identifies the lizard as a reptile (‘krybdyr’), and Mark corrects him that it is a lizard. Jonas looks over all of the objects with apparent intense concentration, but when Mark asks him what he is thinking, Jonas admits that he’s just pretending to think.

Eventually, Jonas settles on the theory that the correct order of the objects is based on evolution. His order this begins with the tomato, which he claims “have probably always been here” (in the studio, Jonas admits that he knows that’s not true, but says the constant ticking of the metronome had gotten to him), followed by the lizard, the Femina magazine, the clog, and then the angel (because “we’re still waiting for the divine”).

In the studio, Mark reveals that Jonas had not placed any of the items correctly, and Jonas is therefore disqualified for not figuring out the correct order.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores