
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jonas the handyman

In the studio, before the footage of his attempt is shown, Annika asks Jonas if he had managed to use the hose for his installation (referencing Jonas’ prior difficulty with the hose, during the ‘Do incompatible things with a bathtub’ task). Jonas confirms that he actually did.

Jonas looks under the shed, telling Mark that he’s checking to see if there’s room to make a heated floor. When Mark asks if Jonas has ever installed underfloor heating, Jonas simply shrugs and says that he’s seen it done before.

With Mark’s help, Jonas zigzags a long hose beneath the shed, and then attaches one end to the tap in the kitchen, securing it with duct tape for good measure. Jonas then turns on the hot water and runs back outside and joins Mark inside the shed, where he and Mark stand barefoot.

Given Mark’s reaction, Jonas’ attempt to install a water-heated floor was at least somewhat successful (the Danish word for ‘water installation’ in the task brief is a compound word of ‘water’ (‘vand’) and ‘installation’).

In the studio, Lasse questions the purpose of having a heated shed, as when the weather is cold, people don’t tend to want to spend time barefoot in an outdoor building. Jonas replies that Lasse now has the option to do so, thanks to the underfloor heating. When Lasse points out the flaws in Jonas’ system – it requires the kitchen window to be open, and also hogs the kitchen tap – Jonas replies that the house has other taps that Lasse can use instead. Sofie chimes in with another flaw (or perhaps a selling point): since the kitchen window needs to be open for the system to work, it makes the heated shed a much more attractive destination, during cold weather. Jonas says that these small details can be ironed out later.

Lasse awards Jonas joint fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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