
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian and Victor work together, while Jonas struggles with a hose

Victor whispers his task brief to Mark first. Christian realises that the task brief does not specify which tin can phone needs to be used to whisper to Mark, so he uses Mark’s end of the phone, which allows Jonas to also hear it very clearly. It appears that Christian also approaches Jonas, while he is whispering his own task brief, so he likely also overhears that one.

In the studio, while introducing their attempt, Mark points out that the task could potentially be unfair, since one team has an extra member, but then jokes that the production team had realised that the playing field could easily be levelled simply by having Jonas try to handle a garden hose.

Victor begins moving things from the shed to the bathtub, using a traffic cone as a bucket to hold and transport them.

Christian calmly starts wrapping the tub, while leaving an opening for Victor.

Jonas, meanwhile, starts to pull the garden hose from its reel, but instead of pulling out the hose first, he runs with it towards the bathtub while it is still unwinding, which ultimately causes the reel to detach from the spigot.

Victor continues to scavenge the shed, at one point crashing into the door and falling, dropping everything in his arms.

Christian tells Victor that they need to have water in the tub as well, so Victor runs over to Jonas to see what the hold-up is.

Jonas is struggling to reconnect the hose reel to the spigot. Finally, he seems to bypass the reel altogether, and connects the now fully-unwound hose with a smaller length of hose, which he has connected to the spigot.

The tub finally starts to fill with water, just as Mark stops the timer. Jonas returns to his teammates and looks over the bathtub, pointing out the box of hose accessories within it which would have potentially been very useful for him to have had.

In the studio, Jonas voices his suspicion that the production team had sabotaged the hose, but Mark and Lasse both shoot down his claims, insisting that the hose was more than long enough to reach the bathtub, had Jonas taken the time to unwind it properly.

The three men fill the tub with 79 items, and 2 litres of water.

Lasse ultimately awards the team 2 points each, as their tub was not as neatly wrapped as the other team’s.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)