
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jonas’ stolen shirts

Mark chooses Jonas to present his collection first, stating that the usually low-key Jonas “just screams excitement”. Jonas counters that he has an “exciting electrical installation” in his basement, but he wasn’t about to mess with it, and it is the only exciting thing he owns.

Jonas has therefore borrowed his collection, which he wheels onto stage: a collection of loud, exciting shirts. More specifically, these are shirts stolen from Victor Lander’s closet.

When Victor demands to know how Jonas had managed to bring his shirts to the studio, since the two had carpooled that day, Jonas reveals that he had brought them in the day before.

When Victor insists that he had slept at his place the night before, so would have noticed that all of his shirts were missing, Jonas replies that Victor is a very heavy sleeper.

Lasse asks Victor if he’d maybe just thought they were all in the laundry, and Victor replies that he thought perhaps Annika hadn’t finished doing the laundry (at the time, Victor and Annika were in a relationship).

Lasse says that he is impressed by Jonas’ larceny, but that he has seen the shirts before (several of the shirts on the rack were indeed worn by Victor during season 3). Jonas counters that Lasse has never seen them in this particular context (i.e. stolen).

Lasse awards Jonas last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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