
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Annika and Sofie collaborate on questions

Annika and Sofie’s first word is ‘ostemad’ (cheese sandwich). The question they ask between them is “Lugter den ulækkert højtbelagt i madpakken?” (‘Does it smell disgustingly much in the lunchbox?’). The team of three raise an objection to the question, based on the “Your words cannot be part of the question” rule (‘mad’ means ‘food’; ‘ostemad’ translates literally as ‘cheese food’, while ‘madpakken’ translates literally as ‘food package’). Lasse both correctly identifies the word and the reason the team of three had objected, without them giving it away to him. He reasons that the rule applies only to the entire word being used in the question, and not to individual parts of compound words (like the ‘mad’ in ‘madpakken’ and ‘ostemad’), so the girls earn a point.

Annika and Sofie’s second word is ‘Hanstholm’ (a small town in northern Denmark). The question they ask is “Dejlig by der oppe Madbar Nordjylland?” (‘Lovely city up there, Madbar North Jutland?”). Jonas throws up his arms at Sofie’s ending words to the question, since Madbar is a famous restaurant in Hantsholm which features live entertainment, so most entertainers would be very familiar with it. Lasse correctly guesses the word, and the girls earn a point. Victor quietly wonders aloud if the girls had actually asked a question, but he is seemingly ignored.

Annika and Sofie’s final word is ‘katastrofalt’ (‘disastrous’). Taking a cue from the team of three’s first round, the question they ask is “Rimer det mon på noget kartoffelsalat?” (‘Does it rhyme, I wonder, with potato salad?’). Annika immediately calls her decision to use a real word to (somewhat) rhyme with ‘katastrofalt’, instead of a fake one, “stupid”. Lasse, believing that nothing rhymes with ‘kartoffel’ (potato) believes that Annika has simply panicked in her choice of words, so incorrectly guesses that their word is ‘frikadelle’ (meatball). Annika insists that their word rhymes with ‘kartoffelsalat’. They do not earn a point.

Ultimately, the teams tie the game with 2 correctly guessed words each, so everyone earns 5 points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)