
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian, Jonas and Victor collaborate on questions

Christian, Jonas, and Victor’s first word is ‘kakerlak’ (cockroach). Victor and Jonas start the question with “Det rimer rigtig meget…” (‘It rhymes a lot…’), and desperately urge Christian to finish the question. Christian ends the question with “på kaketak” (‘with kaketak’; ‘kaketak’ is not a real word). It’s unclear what rhyme Victor and Jonas were urging Christian to use, or if there are no legitimate rhymes for ‘kakerlak’ and Victor had simply backed his team into a corner with the start of the question. In any event, Lasse easily guesses the word, and the team earns a point.

Christian, Jonas, and Victor’s second word is ‘luffer’ (mittens). The question they ask is “De varmer på hænderne ikke også?” (‘They give heat to hands, that’s right?’). Lasse oscillates between the possible answers of gloves and mittens, before correctly guessing mittens, based on the fact that they are more effective at warming the hands. The team earns a point.

Christian, Jonas, and Victor’s final word is ‘mikroskopisk’ (microscopic). The question they ask is “Hvad er bakterier i et mikroskop?” (‘What are bacteria in a microscope?’). While Lasse correctly guesses the word he also decides that, unlike when Annika and Sofie used the word ‘mad’ in their question, when their target word was ‘ostemad’, ‘mikroskopisk’ is not a compound word, and that Christian had therefore broken the rules, by using the word ‘mikroskop’ in their question. The boys therefore do not earn a point.

Ultimately, the teams tie the game with 2 correctly guessed words each, so everyone earns 5 points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)