
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Phil’s beautiful disaster

Phil wisely tests to see if the egg will fit into the opening of the PVC pipes while making his decision over which box to choose, discovering that it does not fit. However, after (incorrectly) discerning that it is the only box containing tape, Phil chooses box C anyway, which gives him access to three long PVC pipes (the openings of which he already knows are not large enough for the eggs), two bamboo poles, a roll of Scotch tape, three or four bungee cords, and a full roll of compression bandage.

Phil uses one of the bungee cords to attach two of the PVC pipes together side-by-side, to create a channel for the egg. Seemingly realising that this channel is nowhere near long enough to get the egg anywhere near the frying pan, Phil adopts a technique of rolling the egg to the end of it before flicking the pipe upwards to launch the egg further. He appears to attempt this technique twice, but the footage is not included in the edit.

Changing his method for the final egg, Phil tapes the pipes together, end to end, strengthening the connection by wrapping bungee cords around the tape. Employing Antoine to hold the end of his construction near to the frying pan, Phil is then annoyed to discover that even the three pipes together are not long enough to reach his target. To gain some crucial extra distance, he therefore hooks a leg over the balcony and leans forward while holding his end.

Phil then cracks open the final egg onto the plate and, after trying to pour the egg into the tube from the plate, picks up the egg yolk to feed it in by hand. Unfortunately, he drops the egg off of the balcony.

In the studio, Louis calls Phil’s attempt “a beautiful disaster”. For failing to get any eggs in his pan, Phil earns no points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores