
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne makes a business couple

Marie-Lyne does not present her businessman with any sort of fanfare. Instead, she simply pulls it out from behind her back to present it to Antoine.

Using mainly pipe cleaners, Marie-Lyne has given her coconut arms and legs, making it look like it is sitting down. She has also glued a felt tie onto it, and given it a tiny pipe cleaner mobile phone and gold watch. Finally, Marie-Lyne has stuck a print out of Louis’ head to the top of the coconut, just to ensure that her businessman is completely recognisable. She acknowledges that his head is disproportionately large, but she argues that it’s true for the real Louis as well.

As they chat, a knock is heard at the study door, and Marie-Lyne then opens it to reveal a coconut version of the businesswoman (and Louis’ wife) Véronique Cloutier. Marie-Lyne explains that she thought ‘businessman’ was a bit sexist, so she had decided to also make a businesswoman.

In the studio, Louis says that he was so certain that Marie-Lyne was going to make a coconut version of himself that he had decided to make a fruit version of her in return, named “Marie-Lime Joncas”, which he then presents to her, before awarding her third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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