
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin builds a house of cards

Intent on using the full 20 minutes, Kevin starts leaning unfolded cardboard boxes against each other, similar to the method used in building a house of cards (and demonstrated specifically with these materials by Swedish Taskmaster’s assistant David Sundin, after the original version of the task, on Bäst i Test).

However, Kevin does not quite know the method for building a successful card house. Instead, he builds around the stack of unfolded boxes at a slight angle, using it as support to keep his tower from collapsing. Despite this precaution, he still experiences several failures, along the way.

Finally, through a combination of unfolded and folded cardboard boxes, Kevin manages to build a tower that nearly reaches the ceiling of the room. He appears to have placed a folded box on top of the pile of unfolded boxes, to keep his tower from collapsing inwards, before lying some unfolded boxes on top of that to create a platform, and then stacking a few more folded boxes on top of that.

Near the end of his time, Kevin folds a final box and readies himself to throw it on top of his tower. In the studio, his competitors all yell at the screen for him not to do it, since they all sense that he is about to knock down his whole tower. Fortunately for him, although the top of his tower is too close to the ceiling to fit another box in, the thrown box merely hits the ceiling and then falls back to the ground, rather than destroying the whole construction.

Kevin’s final tower is measured at 3 metres, and he earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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