
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mona tries to think outside the box(es)

Mona gets the idea to build a house of cards out of the boxes. Unfortunately, when she has this idea, she has already folded one of the boxes, so she only has five minutes left to build.

While pulling some more boxes from the pile, Mona finds the tape, but then struggles to pull off a strip. As she tries, she muses that the task did not specifically state that the tower needed to be made solely out of cardboard boxes. Mona then has another idea, and runs out to Antoine’s cabin with a few unfolded boxes.

Using the giant wooden chair next to the cabin, Mona climbs up onto the roof of the cabin, and places a folded box on top of it, then starts positioning unfolded boxes below it, connecting it back down to the ground.

In the studio, Louis immediately rejects Mona’s interpretation of the task, stating “That’s as much of a tower as you are a woman”. In response, Mona spreads her legs wide open and threatens to show Louis how a woman fights. She is ultimately disqualified for not building a tower.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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