
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tammy’s love email

Tammy brings in a love letter (rather, a love email) that was written to her by Antoine in October of 2004, at the beginning of their relationship, when they were not living in the same city.

Although it does not start out particularly romantically (the subject line is just “Hey”), it gets better:

Dear Tammy,

Tammy in Cuba, in New York, in Forestville, in Sutton, in Washington, in Paris
Tammy who skis, who walks, who fishes, who bikes, who skates, who drives, who flies, who rides a train
Tammy naked, clothed, in the shower, in the snow, in the sun, underneath the stars, on the edge of a lake or a fire
Tammy in good form, tired, happy, stressed, angry, go-getting
Tammy who speaks or not, who sings, who imitates, who laughs
Tammy who sleeps, who wakes, who falls asleep next to me
Tammy who plays
Tammy the woman, the friend, the blonde, the improvisational partner
Tammy the house painter, the improviser, the mother, the seamstress, the interior decorator,
the cook, the treasurer, the driver, the director,
the writer, the comedienne, the traveller,
the baseball specialist, the music lover, the organiser, the film critic,

and many more...

I love all Tammys and those I will come to know.


Kevin takes a picture of the email with his phone, while it is displayed on-screen.

Louis says he finds the love letter nice, but also insulting, and he then informs Tammy that Antoine had recently sent him the same email. He then presents his proof on the screen, in the form of a copy of the email where Tammy’s name has been replaced with Louis’, and any gendered words (like ‘mother’) and verb conjugations have been changed to their masculine forms.

Louis awards Tammy first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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