
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tammy experiences cognitive overload

Tammy – who already approaches each task with manic energy – becomes absolutely panicked when she pulls the electrical tape off of the bucket in order to reach the task brief, to the point where she just stares at the falling sand for several seconds before moving.

When reading the brief, she focuses on the word ‘déroutez’ (‘divert’), as she does not know what it means in the context of the task (‘déroutez’ can also mean ‘confuse’, which was Tammy’s immediate interpretation; in the studio, Louis and Mona make jokes about Tammy being “déroutez’d by the déroutez”).

She also panics at the sight of all the available tools on the table.

At no point during her attempt does she think to even attempt to plug the hole in the bucket, as the sand pours out.

Tammy eventually figures out that the head and grip of the broom can be unscrewed, to create a hollow tube. However, she is frustrated by her inability to unscrew the parts quickly, and so abandons that plan, instead grabbing the flip-flops and holding them underneath the falling sand.

Tammy eventually gets the idea to create a toilet paper bridge, but her time runs out before she can start to implement it.

In the studio, Tammy agrees what she was really “déroutez’d by the déroutez”, to the point where she completely neglected to realise that, in the context of the task, ‘transporting’ the sand would count as ‘diverting’ it.

When Louis points out that the others had thought to stop the sand from flowing as they thought, Tammy admits that her failure to do the same came down to “cognitive overload”.

Louis jokingly asks Antoine if, having seen her performance, he regrets writing Tammy the love letter she had presented during her prize task.

Tammy moves just 182g of sand, and earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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