
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tammy is too pure for this world

Tammy searches the shed for items, and soon emerges with a kayak paddle, telling Antoine that she intends to build a slingshot out of it.

She breaks off one of the paddle blades and slides the rest of the paddle through the ring on the coconut stand, but is concerned that the remaining blade does not bend back far enough for her plan to work.

She fixates on the need for an elastic band to make her slingshot work, but is then baffled as to how to incorporate an elastic band into her current plan.

She has the idea to run a bungee cord along the patio of the Le Maître du Jeu house, but quickly realises that she will not be able to launch the coconut from it.

Tammy then searches the shed one more time and gets the idea to use some of the shelving in it as a launch pad. She and Antoine clear the shelves and also remove the top shelf, giving Tammy some room to work. Tammy then abandons her kayak paddle and instead climbs on top of the shelving, stretching a bungee cord between its vertical supports, and holding the coconut in the middle. She tells Antoine that she’s full of hope, and ready for her attempt to start. Tammy’s release isn’t terrible, and her coconut likely would have travelled a decent distance. However, she neglected to notice that the direction of her slingshot was directly towards the raised astroturf area, where the coconut rolls directly into one of the walls and stops.

Despite Antoine’s assurance that her launch wasn’t awful, Tammy is unable to hide her disappointment in the entire thing.

In the studio, Louis compliments Tammy’s authenticity and positivity, and perfectly sums up Tammy’s entire experience on Le Maître du Jeu: “maximal effort, minimal results”

Tammy’s coconut travels just 2.5 metres, and she earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores