
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mona experiences coitus interruptus

Mona goes to the shed with an immediate idea, and quickly builds a catapult out of a large cardboard tube and a snow shovel. However, she then decides that her construction is too simple, and rejects it.

She returns to the shed for ideas, and decides that she wants to instead build a slingshot. She sources some sort of metal stand and stretches a bungee cord across it, tying a kneepad in the middle to cradle the coconut. However, the bungee cord slides around the poles to which it’s attached, which sends Mona in search of tape to keep everything secured.

As she tapes, she informs Antoine that she wants to create “a scary amount of tension” in her slingshot. Mona ties another bungee cord to the back of the kneepad, connecting it to the coconut pole, which allows her to control her slingshot’s angle of launch.

Mona continues to fiddle with her slingshot, eventually getting the idea to cut the rope to release the tension. She heads into the house and soon returns with a fire axe (joking that prior to becoming a drag queen, she was a Viking).

Mona tells Antoine that she is ready for her attempt to start. She cuts the bungee cord – and despite creating “a scary amount of tension”, Mona’s coconut does not actually travel far from her slingshot. She is aided, however, by the fact that her coconut continues rolling for a while on the driveway, before finally coming to a full stop. Mona laughs in disbelief, calling the entire process “coitus interruptus”.

Mona’s coconut travels just 2.8 metres, and she earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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