
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne uses Antoine and an exercise ball

Marie-Lyne searches the shed for items to create a catapult, musing that she used to be good at “this kind of thing”, when she was in school.

She immediately recognises the need for bungee cords, but struggles to find something acceptable to attach them to.

She eventually drags the basketball hoop from behind the shed onto the astroturf, and lays it down so that it rests on its hoop, reasoning that it would make a good base for her “catapult” (she means ‘slingshot’).

For some reason, Marie-Lyne then forgets the basketball net and plays around with the idea of launching her coconut from a toy bow instead.

However, she quickly abandons this idea, and returns to the basketball hoop, with a new idea: she will shove an exercise ball underneath the basketball net, and throw the coconut at it, relying on the rebound to launch her coconut.

She has Antoine sit on one end of the basketball net, both to steady it, and to create a little more pressure on the exercise ball.

After carefully aiming, Marie-Lyne throws the coconut at the exercise ball. It rebounds high into the air, rolling far away from the astroturf area and towards the house. Marie-Lyne correctly observes that her coconut would have rolled further, had it not hit one of the walls of the house.

In the studio, as Marie-Lyne is proud of her accomplishment, Phil fakes a phone call from “The National Science Fair”, relaying to everyone that it doesn’t want Marie-Lyne’s machine, but rather, Mona’s.

Marie-Lyne’s coconut travels 9.4 metres, and she wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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