
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Solveig’s awful massage chair

After Solveig starts her presentation by saying that she has been a celebrity for many years, Calle initiates a somewhat sarcastic ovation in the theatre with which Atle joins in, clapping over-exaggeratedly and congratulating her.

Solveig then explains that she had worked at NRK (the Norwegian Broadcasting Company) two decades previously, where she’d met her husband, when he interviewed her. She reasons that her husband is then a gift given to her, thanks to her celebrity status.

However, her husband is not what she has brought in as her prize submission. Instead, she shares that several years ago, her husband had gifted her a portable massage chair for Christmas, which she’d used often. However, the chair’s lack of support had caused her lumbar issues over time, resulting in some expensive trips to see a physiotherapist (as such things are not covered by Norway’s free medical system).

So, because Solveig was a celebrity, she’d met her husband, who had later gifted her a massage chair, which had resulted in expensive medical bills.

Atle awards Solveig second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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