
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kristoffer predicts the edit

While considering what he will do, Kristoffer tells Olli that he thinks it would be easy to think inside the box for this task, as it is well-known that Olli has many food allergies. Therefore, all any contestant would need to do would is eat something that Olli would (or could) not. He then observes that he knows that this is likely the point at which footage will be cut in, showing any of the contestants who’d chosen to do precisely that, before he turns to the camera and nods. Sure enough, a montage of footage of Solveig and Leo exploiting Olli’s food allergies in their own attempts is then shown.

Kristoffer searches the house for props, soon returning with a top hat, a cane, and a melodica. He says that he is aware of Olli’s status as one of Norway’s best tap dancers (while the claim to prestige is uncertain, Olli is indeed a tap dancer) but, for whatever reason, Olli will not tap-dance on national television. As Olli plays a tune on the melodica, Kristoffer draws on his background in musical theatre, and performs a few basic tap steps for the camera.

In the studio, Atle questions Kristoffer’s certainty that tap-dancing on national television is truly beneath Olli’s dignity. Kristoffer explains that he sees his solution as a win-win: the country got to see his own talent in tap-dancing, and if it turns out that Olli wishes to prove him wrong, then the public will also be treated to Olli dancing.

Olli then stands up, places a portable tap-dancing platform immediately in front of Kristoffer, and then proceeds to aggressively tap-dance at him for several seconds, before calmly sitting back down.

As he clearly did not do something that Olli considers beneath his dignity, Kristoffer is awarded last place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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