
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Behrouz, Maria, and Ankan debut the Baba Show

Ankan believes that the production team will have hidden “the most fun thing” in the smallest of the three boxes, so he picks up the cylindrical gift box, inside of which he finds a can of baba ghanoush.

The team name their gameshow ‘The Baba Shöw’ (with an entirely unnecessary umlaut over the ‘o’). Although The Baba Shöw is a gameshow, it is set up more like a chat show, with Ankan playing the host and sitting in a comfy chair, welcoming his guest ‘Rosen’ (‘the rose’ – one of Behrouz’s nicknames), who is also seated in a comfy chair. Maria dances nearby while wearing a green dress, large glasses, and green feather boa, praising baba ghanoush (although she initially calls it “baba ghadoush”, and subsequently messes up the name on several other occasions, in what appears to be an actual mistake, and not a comedic bit). After she quickly plugs the product, Ankan introduces the first game: ‘Catch the Baba’ (he actually uses the English words).

In ‘Catch the Baba’, Behrouz stands in a boxed-off area near the shed, while David has mounted a motorcycle on the opposite end of the driveway. Tied on a string behind the motorcycle is the can of baba ghanoush. When Ankan gives the signal (the blowing of an airhorn), Behrouz must “catch and kill” the can of baba ghanoush, by means of smacking it with a wooden mallet. Behrouz manages to do so (though the can has suspiciously detached from the motorcycle), earning one “babapoäng” (‘baba point’), but Maria photobombs his victory by popping up in front of the camera, making sure it gets a good shot of a fresh can of baba ghanoush.

Ankan then introduces the second round: ‘Crush the Baba, Save the Animal’ (once again using the English words). In this game, a ladder has been set up, at the base of which are many rubber ducks (and a single zebra) surrounding a single can of baba ghanoush. Behrouz is tasked with climbing the ladder with a bowling ball and then dropping the ball on the baba ghanoush while avoiding crushing the animals. At this point, Maria (still holding a can of baba ghanoush) performs a brief and dramatic song about the game, while playing a handheld keyboard. However, she appears to be confused by the concept of the game, and sings that Behrouz should crush the ducks. When Ankan swiftly reminds her that the ducks must be saved, she quickly changes her lyrics. Amazingly, Behrouz manages to drop the bowling ball directly onto the can of baba ghanoush, after which it lands in the space between two of the ducks, pushing one aside, but not actually crushing it. Behrouz earns another baba point. As Behrouz and Ankan celebrate, Maria once again takes the opportunity to advertise “baba ghadoush”.

Ankan then introduces the final round of the show, which does not have a name, but seems to operate under Who Wants to be a Millionaire? rules, as Behrouz is allowed to call a “secret friend” to assist him with choosing a question (the answer to which, Ankan informs him, will be “baba ghanoush”). Behrouz’s “secret friend” is played by Maria, who is hiding behind the green screen, and answers the phone by saying, “Hello, this is baba ghanoush” (thus coining the episode’s title). Behrouz lists the four ‘questions’ – all of which are “baba ghanoush” – and asks which he should choose. The secret friend says that she needs to think for a moment, and then presses a button on the keyboard so that the phone will play some hold music. Ankan then informs Behrouz that they are out of time, and a short credits reel plays.

In the studio, Babben likens the team’s efforts to “a fever dream after a terrible chicken vindaloo on the streets of New Delhi – but in a good way”, and awards them the win.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)