
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Charlotta, Johan, and Mauri debut The Rat Show

While Johan seems to want to have a debate over how to choose their team’s object, Mauri insists that they don’t have time to think, and just points at the one closest to Johan. Charlotta agrees with Mauri’s decision, so Johan falls in line with his team, and opens the small rectangular gift box. Inside of it, there is a mousetrap. Johan says in a deep announcer voice that one would not want to get caught in a mousetrap, and Mauri jumps off of that idea, pitching a gameshow wherein a contestant answers questions, and if they answer incorrectly, they get snapped by the mousetrap. He also insists that David will be the contestant.

The team name their gameshow ‘Råttan Show’ (‘The Rat Show’). Charlotta plays the role of the host, fittingly (and rhymingly) named ‘Charlotta Råtta’, who welcomes the viewers and the three contestants, Johan, Mauri, and David. She also takes a moment to thank the show’s sponsor, Mousetrap Incorporated, “which we love… here”. Johan, Mauri, and David all line up behind more-or-less height-appropriate plinths, upon each of which has been placed a rubber duck, to function as a buzzer for answering Charlotta’s questions.

Charlotta poses the show’s first question: “Are rats a type of mouse?”. Mauri answers “No”, and earns a “rat point”. However, Charlotta quickly informs him that rat points are not something to be desired on the show, and Johan promptly mocks Mauri for not knowing that. However, when Johan answers the next question – “Are rats the worst?” - in the affirmative, he then earns 10 rat points.

Charlotta quickly moves the show on to the second round, appropriately titled ‘The Mousetrap’. The aim of the round is for the contestants to have their fingers snapped in the mousetrap while reacting as little as possible. Mauri is the first called to brave The Mousetrap round and, although he is quite hesitant, he does eventually put his fingers in the mousetrap. Unfortunately for Mauri’s score, he yells out loudly when the mousetrap snaps down, for which he is ridiculed by David, as the whole thing had originally been Mauri’s idea. Johan is the next contestant to approach, and he shows neither fear nor hesitation as he slams his palm onto the mousetrap, exhibiting no reaction to the pain. David follows suit, and is similarly silent after placing his hand on the mousetrap.

The show’s final round is the ‘Rat King Challenge’, wherein all three contestants are tied together, and must attempt be the first to reach their respective podium and squeak their rubber duck. The round is hardly fair, since Johan easily leverages his size and strength to overpower his competitors and win, forcing a large amount of rat points onto both David and Mauri.

With a final score of 71, Mauri loses the game, and must face the punishment of the human-sized mousetrap (fashioned out of a length of cardboard and a bent wire). Mauri lays on the cardboard, and Charlotta snaps the wire across his body, screaming that he’s a “lousy rat”, while David and Johan join in on the verbal abuse. Just as David counts down the team’s final few seconds, Johan – apparently feeling some sort of remorse – helps Mauri back up in apology, suggesting that they go get a snack together.

In the studio, Mauri accuses David of having kicked him whilst he was in the mousetrap, after the task time had run out. When David replies that someone had suggested that he kick Mauri, Mauri counters that David had made that decision himself.

Despite Babben’s belief that the team had the more cohesive and structurally-sound gameshow, she ultimately awards the win to the other team.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)