
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Charlotta, Johan, and Mauri are (slow) geniuses

The footage of the team’s attempt begins midway through, by which point they have already started to make a path towards the paddling pools by placing the towels and robes on the ground.

Mauri looks around the area, wondering out loud what they are missing that could help them complete the task. Charlotta then suddenly realises that they could simply move the pools to the cow, instead of vice versa.

Mauri and Charlotta make their way towards the pools by taking alternating steps on towels and robes. Meanwhile, Johan, who still has a robe and towel, starts dragging the carpet towards the pools, to save a bit of time. However, this results in the cow’s snout touching the ground, so the team is forced to start over.

For their next attempt, Johan and Mauri head towards the pools together, while Charlotta babysits the cow. Johan comes up with a quicker method of travelling, by holding the towels and shuffling along the ground on them, instead of repeatedly picking them up and placing them down as stepping stones. He later creates foot wraps with his towels.

Mauri drags one of the pools to the cow, but then immediately touches the cow, necessitating another restart. Johan comments that he finds the fact that Mauri couldn’t help but pet the cow “slightly kind, as well as stupid”.

After restarting, Mauri and Johan once again retrieve the pools, one at a time. While Johan is retrieving his pool, Charlotta and Mauri use the remaining towels and robes to position the cow so that its front feet are in one of the pools, and then prepare to lift the back end of the cow so that Johan can slide his pool beneath it.

Johan is particularly careful with the final leg, flattening the wall of the pool as much as he can, in order to minimise how much the cow needs to be moved.

When the cow is deemed to be in the pools, and the timer is officially stopped, all three team members give in to the overwhelming natural urge to touch a large animal statue.

Despite figuring out an excellent loophole, the team complete the task in 18 minutes, which is slower than the other team, so they earn no points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)