
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone contorts themselves into letters

Unlike in all the previous live team tasks, where Ankan has appeared as the third team member with Behrouz and Maria, he is noticeably absent from the stage for the reading of the task brief. David instead gives Behrouz and Maria a choice: they can either choose a contestant from the team of three to temporarily join their team, or they can opt for the person in the mystery box.

Although Behrouz seems like he wants to pick one of the other contestants, Maria pulls rank, claiming that if they’re going to lose, she wants it to be with Ankan. Behrouz agrees, and the team instead choose the person in the mystery box, who turns out to be season 2 contestant Marika Carlsson (who, based on her track record on the show, is unlikely to provide any meaningful advantage over Ankan, as the third team member).

When Behrouz, Maria, and Marika’s completed phrase is shown, Behrouz insists that their botched ‘S’ in ‘Bäst’ is upside-down. Babben suggests that the ‘E’ in ‘Test’ looks like a sex position.

Babben’s sex position critique continues into Charlotta, Johan, and Mauri’s attempt – specifically, for their ‘S’s. David, however, is particularly impressed by the team’s ‘E’.

Babben ultimately awards the win to Charlotta, Johan, and Mauri.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)