
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Patrice may have a drinking problem

The footage of Patrice’s attempt begins with him well underway in drinking the contents of the shot glasses, having already amassed a tall tower of empty shot glasses on the table next to him.

Instead of working his way down the rows of glasses, Patrice chooses one of the glasses directly in front of himself and works up the entire column instead.

Eventually, he starts to wonder if the whole thing is a trick, and that there is no vinegar present at all. He admits to Antoine that he had planned to drink every last shot, as it would make for “spectacular” television, but he now finds that his plans have changed.

As Patrice adds even more empty shot glasses to his existing tower, he shouts that he has drunk all the vinegar (either having decided that none was present after all, or having just given up). Antoine responds by stating that he will be taking Patrice’s keys off of him (implying that he was too drunk to drive).

As he did not drink the vinegar, Louis awards Patrice no points, but does give him a glass of cream soda as a “consolation prize”, since he had apparently enjoyed the taste of it so much (although did not know what it was).

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores