
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mélissa makes murder festive

Mélissa’s five chosen ‘dramatic’ words are ‘meutre’ (murder), ‘dramatique’ (dramatic), ‘colère’ (anger), ‘fusillade’ (shooting), and ‘conjonctivite’ (conjunctivitis).

Mélissa writes lyrics to the tune of O Come, All Ye Faithful. Of the five, Mélissa is definitely the contestant whose lyrics fit the tempo of her song the closest, as she does not try to awkwardly shoehorn in extra syllables (or elongate others).

The translated lyrics to her song are as follows:

This Christmas Day,
Let’s stop the shootings.
There’s too much anger
In this world.
It’s too dramatic,
Seeing all of these murders.
I’d rather live with...
I’d rather live with...
I’d rather live with...

Mélissa’s video shows her standing in front of some crime scene tape, with flashing police lights lighting up the night sky behind her.

In the studio, Louis calls Mélissa’s song “an instant classic”, and awards her first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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