
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mélissa replicates her normal wrapping abilities

As Mélissa had only torn off about half of the paper while opening the present, she has a decent head-start on the task, though she still takes the time to lament on not having been more careful.

However, she perks up a bit when – while attempting to find where a completely detached square of wrapping paper fits onto the package – she compares the whole task to a jigsaw puzzle.

Mélissa manages to drape her wrapping paper back around her present to cover the entire thing, but laments the lack of any tape to secure it all in place. However, she manages to rewrap her present fairly well, with only a few bits of paper sticking out (due to the lack of adhesive).

It is only after she thinks she is finished that Antoine questions whether the present (the follow-up task brief) is still inside of the box (which would count towards the present being exactly as it was originally found).

Annoyed, Mélissa starts to yell at Antoine. However, she does manage to carefully re-open the gift enough to put the task envelope back inside. Antoine then questions whether Mélissa is certain that she’s put the correct envelope inside. Although she initially insists that she had, she double-checks just to make sure.

Mélissa admits that her final presentation looks much like her normal wrapping jobs.

Louis awards Mélissa fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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