
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pier-Luc relies on appearances

Pier-Luc actually manages to keep much of his wrapping paper intact. His problem lies more in the fact that he had torn two sides of the box while opening it.

Although his box (unlike Patrice’s) could still be considered a single unit, its structural integrity is damaged, which ultimately makes the wrapping job a bit more difficult for him.

He does smartly realise that he can use the clear packing tape from the box to provide the necessary adhesive to hold his wrapping paper together. When Antoine only responds to this idea with a sarcastic “Wow!”, Pier-Luc chides him not to “yell at the genius”, before admitting that his wrapping job “might be shit” anyway. Unfortunately, Pier-Luc is not as careful as Pierre was when removing the packing tape, which results in the tape sticking to itself.

At one point, Pier-Luc finds an extra strip of cardboard, wondering where it fits on his seemingly-complete box. He solves his problem by tucking the cardboard inside of the gift, “next to the little envelope” (not seeming to realise that said envelope was actually still on the table next to him).

Pier-Luc then repurposes the stick-on bow to hold the last few bits of wrapping paper together on the top of his gift.

It is only when Pier-Luc believes that he is done that Antoine questions whether the present is exactly as it was found. Pier-Luc insists that, outside of the fact that he’d torn it open to begin with, it is (still not noticing that he has neglected to put the follow-up task envelope in the box).

Despite failing to place the task brief back in the box, Pier-Luc’s is clearly the most neatly re-wrapped present, so Louis awards him first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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