
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone names sports and games

The category for the contestants to name things within is ‘sports and games’.

As the contestant in last place, Ingrid is the one nominated to start. Ingrid names ‘aking’ (tobogganing), and nominates Petter. Petter names bowling, and nominates Jonis. Jonis names curling, and nominates Nora. Nora names ‘dart’ (darts), and nominates Jonis. Jonis runs to the button, frantically trying to think of something, before shouting “epilepsy” just before his time runs out. Jonis is therefore eliminated first, and earns last place. He expresses his anger that he had been mentally thinking of the titles of all of his PlayStation games, but could only think of “epilepsy” (possibly because many modern video games have an epilepsy warning).

Olli tells Jonis to nominate someone, and he chooses Nora. Nora names ‘elverafting’ (river rafting), and nominates Ingrid. Ingrid names ‘fallskjermhopping’ (skydiving), and nominates Ingar. However, Olli calls an end to the round, as Ingrid had pressed the button while still saying Ingar’s name. Ingrid is therefore eliminated, and earns fourth place.

Olli tells Ingrid to nominate someone, and she chooses Ingar. Her previous answer is not counted, so Ingar is told to start with ‘F’. Ingrid names fencing, and nominates Petter. Petter names golf, and nominates Nora. Nora, after hesitating, names ‘heiagjeng’ (cheer squad). While ‘heiagjeng’ is indeed a thing, the actual sport is just called by its English name of ‘cheerleading’, so she is eliminated, earning third place.

Olli tells Nora to nominate someone, and she chooses Petter. Her previous answer is not counted, so Petter is told to start with ‘H’. Petter names hang-gliding, and nominates Ingar. Ingar names ice hockey, and nominates Petter. Petter runs out of time trying to think of something starting with ‘J’, and is eliminated, earning second place. Ingar therefore wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)