Episode 6: Take a sip of digging bar
Episode synopsis
In this episode the contestants must bring in something which Martin Lepperød doesn't know what it is, fill a glass to make it as heavy as possible, create an optical illusion, fill a suitcase (and then transport it as far as possible), and throw something from a line of their choice into a target receptacle.
Title context
'Take a sip of digging bar' was what Henrik Elvestad told Ollie Wermskog to do, during the 'Fill the glass' task.
Taskmaster Intro
Welcome to a new episode of Kongen Befaler, where a bunch of wonderful people, albeit mediocre fellow human beings, fight for a sumptuous prize, namely a bust in gold... of me. And it gets closer in the battle for first place.
Assistant Intro
But one who has never been in first place is my good acquaintance, Olli Wermskog.
Episode stats
Points Awarded
Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: msbtvqx
- Norwegian Credit: Jan T Sørsvann (Iyuno-SDI Group)