
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Conceal a fruit on your person

  • In this task the contestants are instructed to conceal a fruit (usually a pineapple, but they may be offered a choice, in the live studio task version) on themselves.
  • In most versions, The Taskmaster’s assistant then performs a visual inspection of the contestant and makes guesses about where the pineapple may be hidden. The contestant for whom the assistant makes the most incorrect guesses wins the task.
  • However, as a live task, the Taskmaster may be the one guessing where the fruit is hidden.


In this live studio version of the task, each contestant gets to choose which of five fruits they will attempt to conceal on their person, and Atle has to guess where they have hidden it. Each fruit is associated with a number of points, according to its size. If they are successful, they earn ten times the points for the fruit they selected. Those points are then converted into regular task points.