
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Messy roulette

  • In this live studio task, the contestants must make a binary decision before taking an action which may or may not end up with them getting in a mess.
  • The decision may be about which bottle of soda to open up, not knowing which one the Taskmaster has just shaken, or whether to ask the Taskmaster to flick the power switch on a vacuum cleaner set to blow and loaded with flour one more time, not knowing whether he has already turned it on or off.
  • The contestants are given the opportunity to first ask the Taskmaster one or more questions, but the Taskmaster is under no obligation to tell the truth.

Original version

Task types:

In this version of the task, the Taskmaster shakes one of two bottles of lemonade, and the contestant must decide which one to open, to avoid getting sprayed.

Adapted versions

In this version of the task, the Taskmaster shakes one of two bottles of julmust (a soft drink that is mainly consumed in Sweden around Christmas), and the contestant must decide which one to open, to avoid getting sprayed.
In this version of the task, the Taskmaster turns the power switch of a vacuum cleaner to either the on or off positions, and the contestants must decide whether to ask him to toggle it one more time before they connect the machine's power supply. The tube of the vacuum cleaner has been loaded with flour, and the device has been set to blow, so they risk getting a face full of flour if they are wrong.