
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The imitation game

  • In this live studio task, the contestants must take turns at imitating regional accents or dialects.
  • In one case, they are also instructed to imitate the walks of their competitors.
  • In cases where the win condition for the game is earning the most points, each correct guess by the Taskmaster about what/who the contestant is imitating earns them an in-game point.
  • In cases where the winner is the last one standing, an incorrect guess by the Taskmaster eliminates the contestant from the game.

Original version

In this version of the task, the contestants must imitate national and regional accents in the first two rounds, and are then instructed to imitate the walk of one of their competitors in the last round. Each correct guess by the Taskmaster earns them an in-game point.


In this winner-takes-all version of the task, the contestants only have to imitate Danish dialects, and they are eliminated from the game if the Taskmaster incorrectly identifies their accent.