
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Imitate accents/walks

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Say the word given to you by the Taskmaster in the accent on the card you choose.

The Taskmaster will guess what accent you're doing.

Highest score after three rounds wins.

Task notes

  • The contestants are stood in a line on the stage.
  • For the first two rounds, the contestants randomly choose cards with designated accents written on them, and Greg gives them specific things to say in those accents ('Taskmaster' in round 1, and his full name, 'Gregory Daniel Davies', in the second).
  • In the first round, they must speak in a national accent and, in the second, they have to speak in an accent from a specific city.
  • The third round is pretty much a completely different task, as they have to imitate the walk of one of the other cast members, as instructed by the name on another card they have randomly chosen.
  • The contestants take turns to imitate the designated accents/walks, going from the right-most contestant on the stage, to the left-most, and Greg attempts to guess the correct country/city/cast member for each immediately.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • Greg managed to guess Frankie's Irish accent and his Belfast accent, but failed to guess his impression of Mae's walk. As he scored 2/3, Frankie received 5 points.
  • Greg managed to guess Ivo's New York accent, but failed to guess his Canadian accent. Ivo decided to throw the task and just do an impression of Jenny for fun. As he scored 1/3, Ivo received 2 points.
  • Greg managed to guess Jenny's impression of Alex's walk, but failed to guess her Swedish accent and her Geordie accent. As she scored 1/3, Jenny received 2 points.
  • Greg managed to guess Kiell's Los Angeles accent and his impression of Jenny's walk, but failed to guess his New Zealand accent. As he scored 2/3, Kiell received 5 points.
  • Greg managed to guess Mae's Glaswegian accent and their impression of Jenny's walk, but failed to guess their Welsh accent. As they scored 2/3, Mae received 5 points.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)